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5 Things That Should Never Go Down your Kitchen Drain

If you’re anything like us, your kitchen is the center of your home. Your family probably spends most of their time there. If your kitchen sink gets clogged, it can back up your whole plumbing system and stink up your house. Keep your kitchen sink clear by keeping these 5 things out of it!


Pasta, beans, potatoes

Even if you have a garbage disposal, foods like pasta, beans, and potatoes should not go down the drain. They absorb a lot of water and expand in your pipes. Even if your garbage disposal can handle it, these foods will bloat and take up even more space in your drain. That is not good for pipes! Even a small amount of food will make it difficult or impossible for water to drain out of your pipes, causing all kinds of problems. Make sure to put these foods in the garbage or compost bin, not the sink!

Oil, grease, and other melted fat

But these are liquids! Liquids go down the drain! Not these liquids. When things like bacon grease are hot, they’re liquid but as they cool down, they solidify and cause huge problems in your drains. When they harden in your drain, they block the pipes and trap other food and debris. 

Chemical drain cleaners

We’re not naming names or casting aspersions but liquid drain cleaners are not as effective as you might think. Over time, if you use them too frequently, they could erode your pipes and create even bigger problems in the long run.

Coffee grounds

While putting your old grounds down the disposal might temporarily improve the smell, coffee grounds and drains do not mix. Think about their consistency. In your drain, coffee grounds become a dense wad that blocks your drains and traps other debris.


Another liquid that should not go down your drain! It might be tempting to dispose of your paint by pouring it down the drain but it’s a bad idea. Just look at how paint dries on the lid of the bucket for a clue as to why. Paint might be a liquid but it hardens into a sticky blob that will block your drain and ruin your life. Well, maybe not ruin your life but it will ruin your pipes.


Keep your kitchen clean and at its best by keeping your drain clean and clear. If you have any hint of blockage or accidentally put something down the drain that doesn’t belong there, give Strongbuilt a call! Our experts will clean out your pipes and make sure your plumbing system is in the best shape possible.



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